Ngozi Edozien schooled at Philip Exeter Academy and got into Harvard where she graduated Magna Cum Laude in Politics, Philosophy and Economics. She had her first job in industrial banking before graduating with honours from Harvard Business School. She later joined the prestigious global consulting firm, McKinsey and Company and worked in the United Kingdom and France.
She was a Senior Engagement Manager at McKinsey before being headhunted by pharmaceutical behemoth Pfizer which made her a Vice-President of Planning and Business Development. Her exceptional performance led to her appointment as the head of Pfizer’s East, Central and Anglo-Lusophone West Africa (ECAWA) region. As the head of the ECAWA region, she spearheaded Pfizer’s push into community development programmes and new product development. She left Pfizer to head Equity Vehicle for Healthcare in Africa, an IFC/AFDB sponsored Africa-focused private equity fund that invests in Africa’s health sectors. She is currently the chief executive of Actis West Africa, a leading private equity firm.